
And that’s great. All I ask is one line of dialogue of him explaining his new motivation, or just a visual of him looking at Longclaw and slowly clutching his bag o’ knucles. Just give us *something*.

And they *are* prepared for it. They are portrayed as highly intelligent, calculating people. Roose always wears chain mail underneath his clothes, and Doran has an Areo Hotah hanging around.

That would’ve been great. Davos is an experienced smuggler, his thing is moving stuff and people using ships!

Did we also get confirmation that Brandon is kind of an ass?

This is exactly what I’m saying. But it’s not only in the books, they barely exchanged words last season. His devotion is unmotivated. Dolorous Edd is also all of a sudden a badass, when he has always been a cynic, dour person. Loyal, but not super assertive or a fighter.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense how Roose bit it. He’s known for being super smart, calculating, knows that his son is a fucking freak, he always wears chain mail... I could go on, but I won’t! Because I stopped caring once Jon came back!


What you say about gatekeeping is interesting because I’ve had the opposite experience compared to 2008. Obviously I’m biased to my experiences but I feel today the hurdle is lower and silly gatekeeping is only kept to a small but loud minority.

I remember seeing this completely unexpected trailer before the BvS movie. I also remember lol’ing and people in the theater looking confused. Still can’t believe this exists.

I don’t remember if this was the actual page (without the autographs), but the rest of image stands as my favorite.

I haven’t checked out the O-deck in a while, so I’ll probably start doing it more often. Thanks!

What an amazing response! It’s almost as if you put some thought into your analysis and recap... unlike some others... *cough*BRICKEN*cough*

Wait. I though Einstein told Skinner that she gave Mulder placebos, but afterwards (before they encounter the mother) she shows it was the real thing, and lied to Skinner so no one would get in trouble. Right?

Oh no! Someone is expressing an opinion different than our own! Quickly, to the internet!

Disagree for a bunch of reasons. The Mary Sue adjective has been used a ton on male characters too, it is by no means exclusive to “strong female characters”, whatever that means.

Getting trained by Luke has to count for something though. And acording to Han, Kylo destroyed the new Jedi council whatever, also nothing to sneeze at.

So that’s why all the science posts started disappearing from io9... they all just ascended to a higher plane of eixistence!

Well, since it seemed like they attacked population centers/political capitals first, then actual military targets (area 51), which is weird but whatever, it’s Independence Day.

I’m slightly optimistic for the worldbuilding here. I expect, at most, a few sentences here and there about the state of the Earth. For example, in this earth China doesn’t become the economic power it is today, mainly due to America and Europe not having the money, or population, to sustain high investment in

What I’d like to see from this movie is the alternative history Earth takes after 1996. Maybe the places where ships crashed become economic and cultural hubs that allow African nations to become world leaders.