
I didn't even know there was such a thing as Young-Earth creationist geologists. Although, now that I think about it, it does not surprise me.

guys this means i'm running for congress

So. According to his theory, technically, if there's no ejaculation then there's no AIDS, right?

Internet, where is my Red Wedding / Brazil vs Germany mash up? I keep refreshing Youtube but nothing happens.



The only good thing to come out of this is that the term "something-shamed" has officially jumped the shark. Stupidest thing out of the internet since cat-speak.

I feel we are agreeing on most things, and I was not personally attacking you, so I am sorry you saw that way.

I think it is perfectly fine to treat YA as escapism (as you put it), since our lives are just too stressful sometimes. But I think we have to recognize that most YA is crap, and just because one series was good enough for a movie deal does not mean it has suddenly better qualities (I'm looking at you Hunger Games).

I was not commenting on modern adults' attention spans or intelligence but rather on how they have more difficulty transforming into adults. There are very smart people that like the Hunger Games for example, but that does not elevate the material from mediocrity.

You could be right but... It could also be that adults now are emotionally stunted, unable to grow as human beings, and so they consume literature that better resembles their own life, just with vampires/dragons/dystopias.

Best gif ever? Best gif ever.

This... this does not sound bad at all.

Eh, not really. Go anywhere that is not United States or Europe and most people wouldn't recognize like, the Trump or whatever. Not even George Clooney or Harry the Prince. I completely understand that Americans would instantly recognize Bill Gates, but you must understand that not everyone is in the world is familiar

The grandmother didn't let that happen. At least, that's the idea I got from the phone scene. But also I would think Interpol would be watching anyone that knew Cobb, especially his family.

No. I don't think you know what the term "plot hole" means. Don't let that get in the way of complaining though.

Yeah no. Publicly funded universities kind of "have" to be better, since thats the government going out on a limb there. Actual quality of graduates speak for themselves.

Definitely needs more Ice-T.