
God-quarks evaporated, then her eyes opened.

There are a few women (or at least they claim to be) on Tumblr that state that this is one of their fantasies. I am scared to bring up the subject because of its sensitivity, but there is no question about it: there are people getting off on this fantasy.

Ugh. That's an awful situation to be in. I mean, I'm glad you stuck to your guns and presented evidence but your carreer should not depend on weather you believe in psychic energy auras or whatever.

That was good.

I'd like to think I'm a patient person, but the gluten thing really makes me lose my mind.

Marvel is just following a natural law of the universe: when in doubt, Batman always wins.

This is some grade-A trolling. Keep on truckin' Mr. Ham.

This is a nice rundown of the points good reporters should have looked at, especially the small sample size. But surely you agree that no experiment design is perfect, and someone will always come along and mention that you should've done X instead of Y?

In the book it was ambiguous at best. This event in the show aligns, although not perfectly, with the fact that Jamie is still a bastard, even though he feels bad about it (sometimes).

Its still a dumb reason to dump water. Even when its "their" water, everyone can still call them out on their bullshit.

This was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

Theres something about the people that preach about the singularity that remind me of the movementarians that I cannot pinpoint so clearly.

Ah. I was never a fan, but thought it was funny back then. Itd be interesting to see how it goes this time.

I thought for sure that Firefly was going to be set aside this time after last times debacle.

I respectfully disagree with your Dark Knight Rises assertion.

Michael Bay just proves that there's no need to put some effort into plot, dialogue, coherence or apparently even CG, like the Avengers or the Dark Knight trilogy did.

It was a tonally perfect movie. Visually it was the reason for bluray to exist. It is the perfect adaptation and it embraces its campyness and keeps it straight at the same time. I love it.

This is not the first time I'm seeing consciousness as a mutation, mistake, a disease in human development. It was also in the middle of Watt's Blindsight and it was amazing. Not since then have I considered consciusness as a disadvantage in the natural world, but Rust's rantings have had a certain weight on my doubts.