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Never liked the He-Man series as a kid. But if the whole series had to exist just to give us this, then it served its purpose.

Can't remember the name for this, but it's Macross.

Seriously, it's like they don't even know what they're doing.

Doesn't make a lot of sense, but it had great directing. Plus, Nicholas Cage didn't scream his head off so that was good.

Argh! You made me remember Odyssey 5, the series I saw extremely late at night because I didn't know it was already canceled and therefore left me emotionally devastated.

That giant mech just Falcon Punch'd that giant interdimensional being in the face.

This trailer almost got me excited about this movie. But it lacks the one scene everyone takes away from a genuinely "holy shit" trailer.

This trailer almost got me excited about this movie. But it lacks the one scene everyone takes away from a genuinely "holy shit" trailer.

Your comment is amazing and everyone should read it.

And scientists.

Ah. It makes good sense to think that the gay gene doesn't exist, if it did, evolutionary theory would have a kink there, not super big, but enough to take notice. I would always frown when people on TV said they were 'born this way' (never have I heard a real person said those words though) since there was no

Trailer isn't very good, but the movie looks interesting, and the visuals look very good. Yep, I'll be seeing this.

Force = weight != mass

He'd have to be like Link, or Mario from Super Mario RPG. Not saying anything, but everyone knows about him and talks to him, but he just uses catchphrases, etc.

Ah. Another veteran from the Sega/Nintendo wars from the early 90's. Face it man, Sega lost. It did have Nintendo worried for a generation though.

Also I think that the type of bullying that one suffers also varies if you are a boy or a girl. I've seen the kind of bullying girls do on each other and it's truly horrifying. A kind of psycho-sociological attack that you have to be very VERY tough emotionally and mentally to endure, let alone overcome. So I may

Also, do not be afraid to kick groins. They can bully you for not fighting fair but if that happens you can just kick them in the fucking groin again.

How many episodes do you have to watch to form an opinion? I saw one episode of Arrow and that was it. It was pretty bad, as in, some of the middle seasons of Smallville bad. And you can't excuse it with "it's a superhero show, give it some slack".

While this was an inspirational piece, to which I agree almost entirely, some things are better left in the past.

Holy crap! For a fan made clip, it's very very good. Imagine what you could do with 45 million dollars!