
As I mentioned to BennyCharles, in EpI someone mentions that POD races are only for the extremely gifted. That you have to be so good at it, that humans can't pilot them. And for a child to be able to do it, and do it very very well...

I agree. I remember being it mentioned that POD races are only for the very gifted. So gifted in fact, that no human can pilot one.

But if there are infinite universes, physical constants and laws must also vary across universes. Including universes where physics are so different, that life or stars do not arise.

All Tomorrows is amazing. If this is half as creative as All Tomorrows I definitely will get this.

Is the title a shout out to the All Tomorrows speculative biology book going around in the internet for awhile now?

My mistake.

Oops! My bad.

I'm pretty sure the picture with the girl is photoshopped.

It is truly one great revelation.

That movie was a nice surprise. Definitely did not expect how continuously fun that ended up being.

"...and 3) had their parents murdered by a mugger right in front of them".

Seems to me that neither the author or her husband are good or bad people. They were just really immature when they took the decision to marry. And probably continue to be.

Eh, maybe it's the photochop but I'm not convinced.

I'm not a fan of WW, but I want to be. There's so much potential there and it seems to me that no one can make it work. I thought maybe one of the reasons is that the character is not human enough, or people can't relate to her. Kind of the same problem Superman has.

Heath Ledger's performance made me uncomfortable, scared me and for a few seconds made me forget there is a Batman at all.

Yeah I agree that they get an unfair amount of crap for that. But to be fair, Christians say that to EVERYONE who's not Christian haha.

Couldn't agree more. Personal beliefs are personal, and if they want to share, not impose, that's pretty cool with me.

I think it's awesome that you even had a debate with Christians even though they're stubborn as hell (I've had a few arguments with some myself). And I respect that you have no faith in a deity of any kind. But to deny the existence of any deity based on our present understanding of the universe and ourselves, in my