
To atheists I would say something like, "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar". Or something.


What an amazing piece. And necessary too. It seems that modern atheists use science as a sword and shield to shove the nonexistence of God or Gods in everyone's face, and yet, at the core of science is the belief that we know nothing, and that we must start from this fact to research and understand our universe better.

Clicked on this post to see Simpsons reference.

Cue Winds of Winter preface by GRRM:

Unless the Hound grew a couple of feet since he died, I don't think that guy in King's Landing is him.

Amazing. I kind of caught what you're saying from the movie, but now that you put it like this I both understand it a little bit better and I see it in another light.

Matrix asked questions about our reality, but answered them pretty quickly. Morpheus and Cypher took care of that early on. But there was never an emotional impact of those decisions. Neo and and everyone else proceeded to be "awake" pretty quickly because... why? Cypher already made up his mind on what was most

When you said most depressing anime I thought you were going with (also very anti-war) Now and Then, Here and There.

When somebody complains that something is NSFW my instant response is WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING.


I clicked on this just to see how the author was going to get to how this actually not about tunnels in space-time.

Because not knowing stuff is much, much cooler. Got it.

First the bloop is due to "icequakes". Then an island doesn't "exist".

Reconciling two of the most prominent theories: it's a balloon AND a pokemon.

That was my first guess. But I think it's a drifbloom.

Sure thing. Icequakes.

This probably goes on in a very small number of schools... right?
