
I already have a best friend and his name is Bourbon.

If your orange peels are going into the trash heap you’re not drinking enough cocktails.

Really? That stuff looks pretty rough to me.

This list is wrong because Plymouth isn’t #1/even on it. Bad job.

Someone needs to pay those guys to make that shit more quickly.

Somebody enjoyed the Plinkett reviews.

Try wrapping them snuggly in wax or parchment paper. Cheese gets all sweaty and gross if it’s tightly sealed in a plastic bag or wrap.

In truth, it’s probably best to have your ‘burn her shit’ kit ready to go at all times. Highly flammable cardboard boxes, kindling, lighter fluid, long stem matches (for the flair), and a maniacal laugh are requirements.

This deluge of failed Kickstarter stories has made me so happy.

Passed on Buffalo Trace. You dun goofed son.

The only way Destiny could pull me back in is if they introduce matchmaking for all activities. I don’t fucking have time to coordinate a group of 6 people to do a raid. I have a wife, a baby, a job, and precious little game time, so I need to be able to pick up and play, especially when an activity may take a few

These stories make me happy.

Great point about the visual appearance of a blade edge. If you look at the edge of any blade head on and can see a bright line, it means the edge is flat and light is reflecting off of it. If an edge is really sharp, it will be too thin to reflect any light. If you can’t see your edge when you’re looking right at it,

I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for any person that has backed a game on kickstarter. AAA development studios have an impossible time making quality games on a reasonable timeline, and yet people expect a bunch of amateurs to be able to take a single frame of concept art and turn it into something worth playing on

Query: will the exotic engrams drop Year 2 value loot, or only legacy garbage?

I noticed this yesterday. After reading about all the positive changes and upgrades, I thought I might jump back in and screw around, level up to 40, find some new gear, and so on. Then I discover basically all of the content outside of story missions and bounties has been locked out. So yeah, I guess I’m done with

You are the economy’s wet dream.

+1 for good song

That one time that I walked in, asked for the game I wanted, bought it because they had it in stock, and wasn’t asked to pre-order anything. That ONE time.

Because a few frames of art a good game makes. No wait...