That vibrator tho...
That vibrator tho...
I was more criticizing “but it seems like it is the immature that actively seek drunkenness” fyi. People seek drunkenness for lots of reasons.
That’s not what you said. What you said is if you feel the skin on the bridge of your nose tighten, you are legally intoxicated, which is one of the dumbest tests I’ve ever heard of to determine intoxication. The only way to know for sure if you’re legally intoxicated is to use the same technology the police would…
How about the depressed and miserable? Great way to generalize alcoholics, dipshit.
This sounds like pure shenanigans and bad advice. No one can be sure they’re legally intoxicated unless they confirm with a breathalyzer.
Bitters and soda all day errday.
There’s my bish. Seconding the vote for the Rega. Great thing about this table is it’s versatile and can scale well depending on your system. Sounds good on a couple hundred bucks worth of equipment, sounds amazing if you spend a couple thousand. Available upgrade packs for the mat, belt, and cartridge assist in…
Wtf is pats camp tho?
Roger Goodell is our lord and savior and I will not tolerate a word of slander here or anywhere else on the internet!
I would be ok with somebody bow hunting him and finishing the job 40 hours later. I wouldn’t be bothered at all.
On Gawker, I would have expected a lede more like “Hero Mayor Tells Olympic Committee to Eat All the Dicks”
Neat but pointless. Kind of like Destiny!
This was a bad article, then you threw in a cheap GW can’t spell joke and made it even more garbage. Well-done buddy.
Makes me feel even less like ever going back to the game.
What is this, a graveyard for ants?
Why on earth is there an umbrella in your margarita?
What the fuck is kenwa bro.