
I think it is you who is in fact wrong. Preference for pour-over/aeropress coffee over french press is exactly that, a matter of preference. Each method would have pros and cons, but any reasonable person would agree that a french press is one of the best methods to make a cup of coffee. If steeping tea is a factor of

I think it is you who is in fact wrong. Preference for pour-over/aeropress coffee over french press is exactly that,

So I would say that the Icebreaker is the most useful/versatile gun in the game, but the Jellyhorn is probably the 'best' weapon when it comes to destroying your foes.

These votes confound me. French press brews both a perfect cup of coffee AND a perfect cup of tea. Why would you buy two products when you can own one inexpensive one that does everything you need!?

These votes confound me. French press brews both a perfect cup of coffee AND a perfect cup of tea. Why would you buy

Sick bastard.

Oh look, this guy already won. Everyone move along.

Oh look, this guy already won. Everyone move along.

One thought about crime related to religion: when you think God will forgive you no matter what sins/crimes you commit, it makes it easier to commit a crime. As an atheist/nonbeliever/heather/whatever, if I kill somebody I'm pretty sure that makes me an asshole forever, unless I did it to protect myself or my family

Destiny. Maybe you've heard of it.

Either food, or anything that I use everyday. High-end stuff like fancy kitchen equipment or a new stereo are where I like to spend money. I hate spending on clothing.

If this is supposed to be satirical, it is not written very well.

How do I downvote this...

No Communists allowed in the most AMERICAN of all sports, God's own favorite, Football.

When I saw the headline for the article, I thought "I bet he thinks it's entropy." It is a fair point and a fine idea though. If the Traveler is a stable source of energy, it makes sense various alien races would want to control and possess it to protect themselves from the death of the universe. There's an Asimov

Running for 20 minutes has got to be one of the worst ROIs. Lifting weights is probably one of the best ROIs. Not only does lifting weights expend calories as an activity, the muscle built through the process uses more calories at a resting rate, increasing your overall metabolic activity as you get stronger/more


Grant is such a fucking sellout.

"I like my balls to be rubbed with precisely 104.5 degree Fahrenheit mineral oil for 13 minutes in a counterclockwise fashion until they shine. Then I know my balls are perfect."

Well the perennially good teams don't go, so no.


Where did the ring come from originally?

Not worthless if you have the certs.