Cheese Knee II

Yup, if I have the choice to go to a business with, or without a fish, I will go to the fishless business every time.

It’s that way here in Nashville.  If a business has a “Christian fish” on it, that tells me to avoid going there.

Maya Wiley is great, and did not give adisastrous” debate performance as another commenter declared. The biggest thing that’s going to prevent her win is that Stringer and Morales, both of whom have campaigns in various stages of implosion, cannot put their egos aside and drop out of the race to consolidate the

I mean, to be fair, Ron hates everyone, including and especially himself. This is just this week’s winner.

“Ron, you know I love you but Matt has really been knocking it out of the park. You know Matt? He loves the ladies, loves them so much, it is really something. Women love a VP that loves the ladies, Ron. I’m gonna need something more from you, Ron.”

The difference between a good person and a bad person isn’t that only a bad person has bad thoughts. Good people think all sorts of bad stuff.

I actually tried to register when they showed up at our high school in the late ‘90s. They were like, “Oh, no, honey, girls don’t have to sign up,” and I basically said, “Look, if things are that bad that we’re having a freaking draft, then I want to be called up, same as anyone else, and I’d think they’d want anyone

I can’t see a single good argument for not including women in the draft.

I think this is the best approach and opens to the door to lots of on-the-job training and skill building that will benefit young Americans in the job market while (theoretically) improving our country. Whether it’s going into the military, education/childcare, infrastructure/environment, government/diplomacy,

I’m not so sure. The IDF seems to be a counterargument to that.

I mean, abolishion for everyone probably is the actual goal here.

I think you’ll find out real quick that a lot of politicians would be totally ok sacrificing one of their kids for a little bit of political clout. You don’t get to that level by actually caring about your family more than your career.

I’m a woman, with two teenage daughters. I support opening the draft to women. Not because I’m in favor of the draft at all; it should be a last resort. But I think all of us who get to vote should have the same stake.

There is an argument to be made that an active draft would discourage imperialist actions by the Executive Branch.

If men have to register when we turn 18, women should too. All citizens should.

This is an excellent point, particularly about Congressional families. And no b.s. “advisory” roles, either.  If the Congresscritter’s kids are reasonably healthy and can point a gun in the right direction, they go to actual battle zones.  You gotta wonder how willingly Dubya would have signed off on the Forever War

I believe some Republican tried to make a similar argument to “own the libs” and Tammy Duckworth and a couple of the other women vets were all for women being required to register for the draft.

I disagree. If anyone is subject to the draft, then everyone should be. And also I think that the families of Congress and the president's cabinet members should automatically be drafted first. Maybe if it's *their* children killing and dying they will be less inclined to start shit.

I am normally more than willing to put about any food into my mouth, chomp away at it and digest it. But there’s something so wrong about Flamin’ Hot Cheetos that I try not to look to long or hard at them in the grocery store or elsewhere. The mere thought of their flamin’ hot exit through my bowels makes me recoil in

I *wish* I had come up with the exploding aspect of the candles. That slow burn to the explosive climax of the candle. That was all Gwen though. She really felt people would appreciate the metaphor.