I like how he wants to apologize to them individually, but then he doesn’t.
I like how he wants to apologize to them individually, but then he doesn’t.
Not to mention the profit made off the backs of these two teens and their sexuality. The fact that society ever made it a point of concerning ourselves with teen popstars and their virgin status has always been disgusting.
This was such a huge item of note during their dating time that of course, when they broke up,…
There’s a scene from Buffy the Vampire Slayer that has always stuck in my mind (coincidental given the things coming to light about that production). In it, Oz catches Willow kissing Xander and later Willow is begging Oz to listen to her apology because it’s tearing her up inside. He tells her, “That’s not my problem”…
The thing about apologies from past abusers is that they are usually for the abuser. The abuser went to therapy and realized they did something wrong, the abuser feels bad and reaches out to the person they victimized. What in that scenario is about the victim? What if the victim doesn’t desire an apology and contact…
Exactly, because the only people who benefit from "not making waves" are those splashing around in their own racist mess. Being silent equates to being complicit.
I’m pushing 50 and towing 40 on a trailer hitch. We’re all living through a deadly plague and could go at any time. I got exactly no time for racists, sexists, trans/homophobes, or douchebags of any kind. But, I haven’t talked to my own mother in years, so your mileage may vary.
Yeah, someone commented on the Detroit Free Press story about this that AOC had “overreacted”. Sure, it’s an overreaction to freak out when armed people you know want to kill you are only a few feet away.
I’ve been reading up on how to pull people out of this (and other conspiracy theories) and its depressing. The basic answer I keep finding is, you can’t. The recommendation is to listen with empathy and don’t argue and maybe they’ll come around in a couple of years. I can’t do that. I won’t do that. I’m just not…
I’m mixed, 1st generation Korean-American/ White, and I do not associate with my White (Trumplican) family outside of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and you better believe I bring it after dinner is over. My racist white uncle doesn’t mean that much to me to validate his White Male Privilege. My racist, white female…
I saw a tweet purporting proof that it was all an antifa false-flag by posting a screenshot of an antifa/blm message board calling on activists to go to the rally and ‘disguise themselves as patriots’.
I don’t doubt for a second that if the mob had been able to lay hands on people there would have been a sexual element to the violence against the women targets.
Turning against Mike Pence was easy once he lost his job to a Black woman. How dare he!
That’s precisely where they got the idea, too. People like this watch horror movies to identify with the monsters.
100%. It’s like the people dying of COVID who won’t acknowledge that fact--admitting they got taken for a ride is the fate worse than death.
Merica, where companies can imprison people, and hold their items hostage and still stay in business.
Authoritarianism/conservatism is all about making weak people feel artificially strong while convincing them to obey those above them.
A hearty fuck you to all the men who downplayed this when AOC detailed her experience. The videos are all round terrifying. But, the sing song threat to Nancy Pelosi highlighted how men use gendered violence to specifically menace women. “Hang Mike Pence” is chilling. But the death threat is directed at him for doing…
The sheer number of dealer hoarer stories that pop up in the comments on every single one of these articles is proof that it’s time to burn down all the dealerships, with the salespeople inside.
As an American, I can only assume that Americans are slowly working explosions into everything.
And isn’t a baby shower perhaps the absolute worst event for explosives? Cool, we have a newborn baby around, let’s make an incredibly loud and startling noise!