Cheese Knee II

I highly doubt one of the most recognizable (and, likely, influential) families from the USA doesnt have some kind of team on retainer, at the very least, a PR firm - private citizens or not.

.... It’s the same person they have worked with for years. There is one single factor that changed. One. 

Yes, I understand that and do not disagree, my point is the terms are not synonymous and treating them as such perpetuates harmful stereotypes.

In a nutshell, it really looks like Clinton wasn’t prepared for this interview because she didn’t think it was important enough to warrant preparation, IE, did not consult someone within the community on how to evade these disingenuous traps.


I could be wrong, but I really don’t think that’s the issue. Personal growth and education on social topics are vital for (especially left) politicians, and nearly everyone understands that.

It’s one thing to learn, when it’s genuine, and upgrade your opinions as you progress.

What bothered me most about her answers is how unprepared it seemed.

Which, as a career politician, she should have vetted before agreeing to what amounts to a series of ‘gotcha’ questions.

Very thinly veiled code for, “I am outraged you have the gall to consider yourself a woman when I will never consider you one

No, that’s not fair because you could say that about literally any other human being you encounter in life.

I love this and have saved it for future use. 

You’re policing other people’s lives when you have absolutely no right to. If you’d like people to stop calling you a TERF, maybe you should take a long hard look at your explicit biases. 

I’m a brown man and bisexual. People attack my manhood and sex life because of my race and sexual orientation. I sometimes feel like nothing I do is enough or good enough. Someone will always find a way to make me feel bad or wrong.”

Yes, all of this.

Drug use is not the same as drug abuse, that's a harmful myth to perpetuate. 

Double standards.

This is a ridiculous stance. Americans complain that people need to become educated, aware,  and change their perspective on certain topics but if/when someone does, they’re suddenly suspect? Please.

The problem isn’t ever transmen.

Yes, where I've seen it work is significant time between the breakup and when reconnection is broached.