Cheese Knee II

‘deft-defying’ is not a thing.

Very interesting; I hadn’t thought about it in terms of an invalidation of my anger and my feelings by a white man, although it certainly could have been. That’s a hard realization, ugh.

This advice was given to me years ago after I sent off an email I really shouldn’t have, which was very insubordinate, to my direct supervisor. Rather than fire me, which would have been completely deserved, I was sat down by my superior and he explained that he understood how passionate I was about certain topics,

That’s where my mind went, too.

That’s a very likely possibility, my initial thought was the son of someone very important and/or rich and influential in the community.

Absolutely this.

Oh, grow up. 

I have extremely low regard for a school administration that dismisses sexual assault reports due to their own discomfort about the subject, or worse, due their bias in favour of the perpetrator.

No, because I would wager nearly every girl who read the note thought of a different boy.

Any chance you're the YAD Bryan L? 

The best way I can describe them would be... If Tootsie Rolls were crossed with salt water taffy - and that cross had the best parts of each, and were actually delicious and soft, with a caramel edge to them, and did not threaten to rip your dental work out when chewed.



This, this, this.

What you wrote here:

You don’t need to forgive to move on or heal.

being the ‘better man’ doesn’t mean shit when you have no power”

The UK is not part of the Schengen visa collective.

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t know if polarizing actively captures the fact that anyone who supports the Republicans or any other far right party is openly advocating for the harm and outright extermination of minorities.

Pretty much.