I love how this has already achieved Spygate joke status.
I love the car but holy shit that vinyl wrap looks like it came straight from Need For Speed circa 2004.
Most likely the son was able to get his hands on the title when he sold the car to the dealership. Since his name was on the title nobody really looked that closely at the whole thing.
Plus it increases the resale value of the car (not much probably but it's still there), it looks better than an aftermarket one and it does its job well.
I disagree, this is actually pretty nice to have. Imagine blasting through a windy mountain road on a cool fall day. Normally you would leave the top up but with this setup it feels nice to have that warm air blowing on your neck.
I have a better idea! "Corollas only".
Yeah if that bridge was in the US it would have been closed to traffic, no doubt about that.
I hear that financing terms on the rims are really generous! Repo guy probably has a heck of a time getting them back though.
I wish the current gen still had this.
Yeah seems like these cars are made with backseat passengers in mind. What a pity.
I would do a manual conversion for my '01 Volvo XC70 in a heartbeat if it wasn't for this.
Awesome movie! I spent so many hours watching it when I was younger. Good times!
Cash for Clunkers really took a toll on the sub $5K car market.
You also have to remember that this one's lowered so a dually or even an untouched F-series would be better than this one for hauling big loads
You have to look really hard to find the good stuff, most of it is Malaise Era.
Annnnd it reminds me of Vector! This isn't the worst movie car, not by a long shot.
Kanye rides in this when he doesn't need the protection that Kim K's ample derriere provides.