Andrew Seifert

Why can't we have these in the US?

Am I the only one that thinks this would be a cool idea for GTA V?

Flo's got his ass.

Stupid-ass rims.

Cadillac is being smart by limiting the number of offerings. Sometimes too much is a bad thing, and BMW seems to be heading down this path, unfortuneatly.

I might need an exorcism if that ever comes to pass.

Surprising. The Murcielago is one of the most common Lambos out there.

Oddly specific.

My money says chop shop.

Just chilln'

I'm actually sort of surprised that there isn't a Reventon.

Must. Go. Faster.

Shit, you're right.

Butbutbut that chick can't be from Burning Man! She has way too much clothes on for that.

Is that really a Ford GT hearst? Dafuq.

Am I the only one that thinks there should be a Trucklopnik? Cool shit like this would really make it unique (no bro trucks, please!)

We need to get the Donk Snob on this right away!

Reminds me of the famed Gulf Oil livery...

Or the lifted bro trucks, better known as mall crawlers. I live in an area where they're everywhere.

Aww that makes me sad. Whoever owns it is stupid not to sell it to someone who can actually take care of it.