Andrew Seifert

There's a small town in southern Wisconsin that I occasionally drive through. On one corner is a sad little abandoned gas station (Mobil?). It's been out of business for decades, but there's several rusty old cars parked in and around the building. They're mostly just unremarkable 70s and 80s shitboxes, but the one

Wellllll then there's photoshop.

Skay, any chance you could have Justin Bieber deliver one of your COTD winner cars anytime soon? Just gotta find that elusive photo of him with minimal attire, and you're set.

Nothing here.

I'm wondering if the driver survived. Seems to me like he/she had a pretty high chance of getting out, especially if the fire started in the back.

Ha! SR strikes again!

This guy approves.

We'll probably never see them on actual street cars, most likely.

Haha, very good read. Makes me feel sad for my generation, though. Patrick, did someone in the DMC PR department send you this?

What is the movie? Sorry I've never seen it before.

You're close! I actually go to UW Baraboo, which is a two-year college in the UW system. It's about 35 minutes from the UW Madison campus.

Somewhere there lurks a Ferrari.....

I second that, curved window is what jumped out at me most. Defenitely the LWB version as well.

These two bear a startling resemblance to the Rosenbergs of Cold War fame.

Thanks for the info! I currently live by Madison WI so I'm not too far from there. It sounds like a great area to be in if you're a gearhead.

Yup, I sure will! I've already started writing part-time for a car website but it's strictly a hobby at this point.

Wow that's cool! Nothing like driving something nobody knows about.

Huh. I've always wanted to get into automotive journalism and it sounds like Ann Arbor is where alot of it happens.

Yeah I heard about the Autobianchi...wish there was a way to get them here in the US!

What is the New Justin debacle? I'm relatively new to Jalopnik (found this about a year ago).