
Thanks, that clears things up for me

Sadly, this means that no matter how many golds Shiffrin wins in the future, either in these Games or future ones, she’ll never be able to break the record for most golds won, which will be held by her equipment.

The biggest problem I have with ads on mobile are those that use javascript to forward you off the page you’re on to a scam/malware page, usually several hops at once to make it even harder to back out. It’s an exploit of javascript and the only way now to protect yourself is to turn off javascript completely, which

Okay, I see the 12 ad types that will get blocked... But I don’t see the ads that wait for 10 seconds in another opened up tab, then monkeys around with page-redirection and locks the tab you wanted to see with: “CONGRATULASUNS!! CLICK HEER FOUR GIF CARD!!”

Trumps answer “let them die”

I can’t even pretend to understand this.

I did a white exterior with an all beige interior - just like your aunt’s 10 year old Accord.

I’m sure Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod have much better conversations:

Someone should build a town that works!

The reason the tweets are only a distraction is because people like you won’t make them the issue.



Just to add on, tremendous drugs pouring into the United States at levels that nobody has ever seen before. This has happened over the last three to four years in particular. The wall will stop much of the drugs from pouring into this country and poisoning our youth. We need the wall. It is imperative. -Donald Trump,

Foul ball? More like foul call. Am I right guys? Anyone?

Chris Paul and James Harden were front row for the first part of the game, but not around for the walk off. Poor Chris Paul cant even WATCH playoff wins.

Altuve is so fucking cool.

‘...but because the “ill-informed students” clearly needed to to “learn all that the flag truly represents.”’

Donald Trump and Anthony Davis have very little to do with this IMO.

Jones said VP Pence’s actions and statement in Indianapolis Sunday generated new questions that he decided to answer post-game.