
Tony Kornheiser is going to be thrilled.

If we can never win many of them over, why waste our energy trying to pander to them?

Bring out the snowflakes and melt them.

Look for the 1/1 Tooth Relic card in tomorrow’s Topps Now!

I took the shell off my racing snail, thinking it would make him faster.

Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.

The button doesn’t work.

These are just responsible news outlets taking a balanced approach to reporting this issue of whether food is necessary. There’s already such a pro-food bias in the media; someone needs to make sure both sides are fairly represented.

Its not a whittle toe... its a big toe!

You know we’ve come a long way as a society when a legitimate insult from one macho dad to the other is “my son ate your son’s ass on two separate occasions.”

Balls concerned by ass-eating.

When reached for comment, the AI mumbled something about needing more Mt. Dew, then went back to playing Galaga.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Anytime an ultra-right wing guy opens up on an abortion clinic (e.g.,) we are bombarded with statements about how he was unhinged, doesn’t represent real conservatives or what not. This guy DOES NOT REPRESENT THE LEFT. He is a maniac who happened to have ultra left

Minniti Loses Cinniminson Challenge. Comes Away Crying

Olde Irish toast sounds like a Ryan brothers’ breakfast.

The worst part is he found the guy’s car after he went down the tunnel:

“You didn’t see us racists electing as President a reality tv star completely unfit for any political position until you libtards elected a black guy, so really it’s your own fault.”

Laugh now but we’re going to spend the next week being told that covfefe is a real term and reports that it is indeed not “fake news.”

big idiot’s beef

We are better off with a rock as president.