
I work in a barbeque joint, most people here are confusing the fat of say a rib eye with the fat of brisket. A ribeye spends 8-12 minutes on the grill, brisket spends 10-12 hours in a smoker. That time makes the difference, brisket fat is rendered and melts in your mouth the other is chewy, gristley and not good. That

I also must say you too sure are tough from behind your computer screen.

I’m with you, I’m sticking with my s7 until possibly 5g is available (or at least Tmobile starts using spectrum it recently received) andmaybe usb-c are more common. Beyond that everything is very much incremental these days.

Nice try Gates, but you’ve already been caught.

Not to mention if you one time happen to look up one small thing to settle a question, “who was the actress who played on Charles in charge in 1983?” Guess what, now you’ll get updates on her in your feed for ever! Not to mention sports look up one score and Google thinks you’re a super fan for life.

Perhaps when humans put it on a direct route towards such a possibility?

You’re a fucking idiot...

As a Georgia fan, that was my exact first thought. Classic Richt.

“obliterated” umm no. Sorry it’s early and I’m tired of hyperbole in headlines, but that’s just a dent and it landed safely..

Sees headline thinks “don’t be Georgia, don’t be Georgia, please don’t be Georgia” opens article, vocally says “Fuck”

I really want to know what drone the police have that could follow him for an hour?

Well until you pass 100 mph..

Jesus, I ignored your first multiple comments and I still hold hope you’re just an asshole troll, but despite your shitty evidence can’t you admit that humanity should still do everything to preserve Earth, our home? If not, fuck you.

The only thing surprising here is him saying “so they could bash open source” I thought open source software was part of the socialist lefts attempt to destroy capitalism or something?

I can’t believe we live in a world where the “dude, you’re getting a Dell” guy is more elegant and thought provoking then the president. And I by no means any offense to the Dell guy, but I feel like the president should be a notch or two above him in decency...

Simple answer they got tired of incessant updates that made their drones inoperable. Second simplest answer it’s highly likely that every movement that a dji drone makes is recorded somewhere in the dji servers. Third most likely is that there is a software vulnerability that could lead to their drones being

I was not aware of this site prior, but just assume I would still visit it now. If I’m going down let it be on the correct side. Fuck you Trump, fuck you and you’re fascist, racist friends. Fuck you and your intent to destroy the Earth for a few bucks. Fuck your shallow, imbecilic ways. I hope you feel the pain of all

Actually in a way it is. The Nazi scum protested and people counter protested. Then Nazi scum say “you protesting us is destroying our right to protest (ignoring that they are saying basically that only they should have these rights and other people shouldn’t protest) and therefore things like this just have to happen

The shithound is trolling yes? I mean no one is really that fucking stupid right? And I’ll park my v8 next to yours fill it with leaded please.

If facts and common sense don’t work in proving to his supporters how horrible he is, I’m just going to keep at it with the berating and insulting. Coddling these idiots likely contributed to us having gotten here. Can we pretend it’s just tough love?