
Edit. Nevermind.

Damn, you’re an ignorant fuck. How’s that for name calling by the left?

Fast forward 25 years. NASA unveils their new spacecraft, someone on Twitter finds a screenshot of the spacecraft used on the Simpsons years prior and proclaims “the Simpson’s did it.”

I knew my comment was already going to have been posted. So I’ll add “and fuck you too Trump.”

He only likes money?

Actually yes, I’m sure he has a holier than thou mentality. He wants to speak his mind, but any opposing viewpoints will hurt his feelings. If he wants more intolerance, I’ll give him some. He needs to shut up with his ignorant hatred and deserves to be called out for it.

As a Cardinals fan, that’s funny. Also fuck this mixing of religion and sports bullshit..

Do you want to know the terrifying truth, or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?

It better be $kay

A 23 year old pro golfer named Grayson supports conservative values? Color me shocked, shocked I tell you. I’m sure his life has been filled with diversity and adversity...

Pre-bizzaro post-normalacy. The beginning of the end times? I’m not even sure.

I kind of agree. I’m not a gamer, but I am a tech nerd so I click on these types of things thinking maybe this time, but ultimately I make it halfway through the article before I realize how hard it is for me to care...

“The Suns had been trailing by double digits for the entirety of the second half; there was no motivation here other than the chance to run up Booker’s total.”

Movies: Digital streaming > DVD > VHS

You could basically replace Christianity with Islam there and make the same argument, point is there are bad seeds in all walks of life and your gross generalizations are the same bs that extremists make to justify their actions. But hey you keep your cycle of hate going.

You realize you speak like an extremist, right? Honestly I’ll take the company of 99.9% of Muslims over any one like you who preaches that sort of idiotic bull shit that you just did and feel safer with them.

I can’t tell which comment you’re referring to specifically (because of the is comment lay out on my phone) or what your comment means in relation to this technology ban, but it’s definitely easier to imagine someone blowing up something after being forced to watch an Adam Sandler movie (as the in flight movie)

I also don’t think we should stop trying to protect ourselves, however this doesn’t seem to do any protecting.

Does shaking my head in shame that the us elected him count as raising an eyebrow?

You replied to yourself. Who’s rhetoric? Your own? Because i would agree that it is indeed poorly thought out.