
I don’t recognize this quote or its context. What do you mean?

Good point. I think I shall go poke some wild animal repeatedly with a stick and then become very mad and confused when it attacks me, instead of thinking of the possible implications of this administration (and their ilk) constantly taunting an entire religion.

I mean.. I guess? But.. honestly... nevermind there are so many “well what if the so called “terrorists” just do a.b.c... z” etc scenarios that this won’t result in anything useful, but that would imply this useless administration thought about this in the slightest. But hey free Kindles for the TSA right?

Not to mention giving reasons for people to dislike us thereby increasing the likelihood of terrorism against us.. which is what this bs is supposed to be preventing.

What does this even accomplish? Are the devices supposed to be bombs or something? I mean they can still have phones and check the other things right? Basically this just seems like a ruse to make people pay for in flight movies or some equally ridiculous bull shit.

Come back to me when they are attached to shark’s heads.

They have healthy​ hearts now, wait until they​ meet my ex.

Oh come’on! Bort?

You missed my point. I don’t want my tax dollars to go to the war machine. I want them to go to the arts and sciences. We disagree on the use of public funds. You seem to think I should pay taxes for the crap you like and privately for the crap I like, I think that’s bs.

Or! How about we transfer my percentage going towards the dod to the nea or NASA? Because I’m more of an exploration and art over blowing shit up type of guy

Honest question that I don’t know the answer to, how many times did the Obama’s go to Hawaii in the first two months? Also they weren’t personally making money off the trip by them, crew and every secret service agent having to pay to stay there. Also 45 was one of the more vocal critics of the Obama’s vacations, yet

So does that mean it’s accounted for? Or in a dumpster?

Baez plays for the Cubs.. your use of this cliched joke doesn’t really make any sense here.

That was cool. But yadi scoring the first run of the game off Carlos Martinez, and them laughing about it was cooler.

Ok buddy. Enjoy your enlightenment.

Goodness, you seem like an insufferable asshole. You do realize that the Federalists papers are not law correct? And you do realize that the expansion of the federal government is not exactly on par with being robbed at gunpoint? You also realize that the Constitution is amendable, not written in stone? And that

So explain the interstate system? Social security? Dept of education? The EPA? The sec? And just about every other function of the actual federal government and not the narrowly defined one that you seem to think solely exists?

The US government has the sole job of protecting and enriching the lives of all 300 million plus people living under it’s citizenry. I think it’s high time the 300 million plus take back the government from those who think it’s only for a select few. Now how do we do that?

Well all I know is, someone got fucked. Perhaps everyone involved did.

Oh please. They got their feelings hurt is why you think they voted the way they did? They voted because they are entitled whiny babies. They want their view points reinforced and told the are right when they are blatantly wrong. They’re idealists that want to live in the comfort of similar thinking and looking