
And the man with the camera didn’t have the decency to leave the bear one pic-a-nic basket!

At times I can be pretty forgiving of political asshattery. We all got to eat I guess. But wanton destruction of the environment, essentially fucking generations to come is unforgivable. Fuck this man and all like him, I hope they find a special place in hell.

This is Trump’s America now. Bikini photos at a sixth grade poetry reading sounds just about right..

So based on that article, I think that picture is off the coast of Australia, and I could Google cape leeuwin or Scott reef to be sure, but a little context on that photo wouldn’t hurt. Considering most of it is just empty sea.

Or it could be the early signs of CTE.

Well I think breast cancer awareness has now officially gone to far.

I can drive from London to Paris you say? Is it charging while I take the ferry? Or Chunnel? Or however one drives from London to Paris?

Jesus, Trump is insufferable. The pure bullshit that he tweets/says is pathetic. Didn’t he just a couple days of ago say something to the extent of putting aside trivial fights? Everything this man says is a trivial fight.

Hahahahahahaha good one. Due diligence! Hahahahahahaha. Thanks for that laugh

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone and they bitch and moan about a certain relative and you listen to it and listen and listen and then one day you crack a joke about that relative to your significant other and they get all huffy about you making fun of their relative, because it’s their relative and

I believe this is something that I would call an indicator.. like how this year the gulf of Mexico never went below 73° apparently, it’s an indicator of the general direction of things. And the direction is towards humans ability to live here is fucked without drastic change.

I’d star you, but that means you’re right, right? I was telling a friend something similar today, to paraphrase: we’re on a runaway train, and I’m not sure what could make it come back... (At least in the realms of plausibility). We’re so fucked

I thought it was blue steel?

You’re right we should focus more on his killing of a soldier, by sending him into a battle unprepared and for little gain. Because that actually happened, as opposed to all the other lies he told.

A. Coal will never be clean.

He has poor taste in food? After seeing his decorating at his home, and the way he wears his suits, and embraces culture in general; color me shocked. Shocked!

Yeah that paragraph got creepy and way to accurate

Repubs seem to think it’s possible.. they also believe in freedom of religion, unless that religion is not Christianity. And personal freedom unless you’re of color, a woman, gay etc. Basically they are hypocritical fucks..

I think you mean when that nuclear fallout trickles down onto you, and it would not be a good thing for you, no matter what you saw in the movies I promise it will not give you super powers.

But that makes it sound kind of awesome.. though the metaphor is definitely better.