
I just want one complete, non-run-on sentence from him. and for him not to destroy the world... I don’t have much hope for either.

Say 9/11 three times, he’ll show up.

Dossier number one. Excrement evidence. Eh piss papers is better, you win

Oh you know Obama laughed and said “Michelle, come here, you got to see this”

My new nu-metal fusion new wave band is going to be called “spiritual showers” our first album called “gold in the age of ‘spiritual showers.’” it’ll be awful, practically unlistenable, but rest assured Trump is a tiny hands piece of excrement.. I think I got off topic there..

Kim Jung got a 34. Sad! I scored 18. Making America great again!

I fully expect Trump to announce that he has beaten Kim Jung Il’s golf score record anyday now.

I have nothing to add beyond, Jesus fucking Christ we’re so fucked... Goddammit maybe I deserve this shit for some bullshit sin I performed, but my children, your children, their children don’t deserve this hell he’s taking us into. Fucking fuck fuck...

I can’t wait for the end of times conspiracies that this will surely lead to..

Holy cow, the amount of people who think that Russia is less corrupt than the DNC in this thread is frightening. So the window has moved from Trump is bad, but Hilary is worse to Russia is bad but to be a Democrat is worse? I truly can’t fathom this line of thinking.


I can’t decide if you the best thing to accompany that table with is a. cocaine or b. a Robert Mapplethorpe photo on the wall.

I’d be more surprised if she wasn’t married to a guy named dax, because of course his name is dax.

I’m not sure he gets to be called a scapegoat when he platformed that he would be able do get these jobs back in America, when they don’t come back it becomes a failure, a broken promise or flat out lie that is of his own doing.

He is one of the least impressive orators I have ever seen in the public space. At least W could tell a tale or you know.. make sense. Honestly, and I don’t even mean this to be funny, but if he had a stroke mid speech, I don’t think people would be able to tell. The strings of words that he uses are mostly incoherent

Don’t worry Trump is going to take us back to the age of fireside chats.. and the age of stone that it is so closely associated.

They must have photoshopped most of the stains out of the picture with the blacklights.

Richt would proactively penalize players, usually in an attempt to try and curry favor with the NCAA so that the punishment would be lighter.. this never worked and the players ended up being over penalized...

Wait... So am I a mouth breather, imbecile, or Mr. Intellectual? They’re all so different on the scale of human development. Also could you sign me up for your newsletter concerning your theory on the relativity of size, it sounds fascinating and I’m sure the Nobel committee will be following your research closely. I

Nope, this isn’t lost on me. I’m saying that one of your criteria for judging who it is and is not ok to hit (once again I still have not advocated hitting anyone at all) is flawed, because size has little to no bearing on one’s fighting ability. That is literally the only point I was trying to make concerning your