Andrew Mayer

Just a dash of tomacco.

Leelu Multipass

You "guess".

Terry Pratchett managed a decent low-tech internet with "The Clacks". I'm sure the Flintstones could do something similar.

Yup. He clearly kidnapped Elliot on Tyrell's say so.

He definitely did have a string of solid movies. I'm not sure why he managed to go so off kilter after Wild Wild West. I loved his version of The Tick.

You should listen to it Agarn.

Wow. For some reason I thought he'd bounced back from that at least a little, but checking IMDB, it's clear he really never did.

That's a long fall for a once decent director and excellent cinematographer.

I can finally create my definitive Nestor award website.

They've pledged it to the Agents of SHIELD kickstarter.

You mean "Tasty Wheat", the best food in the Matrix?

Where's the US Acres Twitter interview that we've all been demanding?

Oooh, yeah!

I can't afjord to be Finnished.

Everybody's looking for something.

There's a number of series that have done this already. Cereal Killers comes to mind.

"What are you looking at? Eat your ice cream!"

Tons of Yellow Submarine visual references in the anemone sequence.

That name was nuts, and it made people teste.