Andrew Mayer

Read a book!

It's terrifying to realize just how hard I imprinted on Morticia during puberty.

I disbelieve that this was "banned" by anything but the marketing department.

So much of the torture was metaphorical or relatively light until it wasn't. I guess the toaster should have been a warning, but I didn't have anyone warning me (my friends aren't so cool, I guess), and the ads set a very different tone.

But that's my point. It's intentionally wrenching the tone of the film in a new direction, one that pulls it entirely out of the comedic/satiric vein it had been in up until that point.

Yeah, the dog murder was pointlessly graphic. Why not just show the blood?

The tone is pretty whipsaw. After that one scene, and I think you can guess which one, I felt like the humor was lost, but it chose not to fully commit to that path.

When did you get so cynical?

I just saw it. It really isn't a comedy. Too damn dark.
"British dystopia", maybe?

That's Numberwang!

It was great. And Joel was great with his protege when he screwed up. "Welcome to RIfftrax *live*!"

I'd say that's big of you, but it's more 13 going on 30 of you.

This was better the first time, when it the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer!


"The Rickon Maneuver"

Then maybe they should have told us about that *before* the battle.

You make it so that he has something to lose even if he wins. Too bad they didn't do that here.


Brundlpendance Day!