Andrew Mayer

My guess is that he made Iron Fist for much less than the other Netflix series and Perlmutter rewarded him with the Inhumans.

It's pointless having this discussion without discussing Perlmutter's part in it. Inhumans was only ever on the Marvel movie slate because he was using the characters in the comics to try and eff over Fox for using their X-Men rights.

Kellyanne Conway is Granny Goodness.


Kafka is a delicious fermented beverage.

Add to that a final episode that manages to undermine the tone, plot, and the characters.

I think he missed again. Oh no!

Llana is Omar spelled sideways.

Ex-treme syndrome?

From pop rocks and pepso.

But it's trying so *hard*! Why won't you *laugh*?

This doesn't bode well for the Cabin Boy reboot series that the world was clamoring for.

Cenk ends up being right a lot. That, and his willingness to actually fight for what he believes in, makes him worth watching.

I won't take it Percivally.

It's your window to weight gain!

Without religious allegory Lindeloff is Lost.

I'd say the rap is the best host segment since Tubular Boobular Joy.

The show has a real problem with characters doing things for the convenience of the plot. It makes it all feel way to much like network TV or their bottom tier stuff like Dream On.

Rick's house in the false memory where his wife dies *is* the White's house from breaking bad, so there you go.

That's what she Desaad.