Andrew Mayer

Not in this reality, pal.

If it makes you feel better, I doubt the bad decisions are being made in the writer's room.

"ACK! Kathy in a bathing suit," would be the worst Jessica Jones title ever.

He already has his powers.

"Keep your peen on the ground, and your sexy thin lips in the stars!"

This episode was brutally underwhelming. Ketsu and Sabine are making up literally minutes after one of them attempted to KILL the other. Their relationship was all over the place. Their "past" seemed like a pastiche of tropes with no actual events or history. Everything felt unreal or unearned by the end.

Ezra's non-story was one of the worst examples of magical plotting I've seen on TV in years.

Let's be honest: it took Clone Wars some time to find its feet.

Episode 4: Binks Beds

Episode 2: The Binks Peninsula

They're as true as they can be.

Would you bring up that movie about the guy with the sled?

Then why is it called "Mr." Show?

Don't give me your "artistic intention". He'll be Pibbles if I say he is!

It's your window to weight gain!

Hardy Hardy Har.

Mac my day, Jerry!

$300 is a lot for a non-essential add-on with zero market penetration and no unique killer app. Maybe it'll take off, but sim-sickness remains a major issue that I have yet to hear addressed directly outside of Valve.

My jury is still out on VR. It's cool, but it's still going to be a fraction of the existing (shrinking) audience that AAA demands unless it gets *really* cheap.

They'll definitely survive in some form. I'm just not sure there's going to be a market for $50m+ game dev budgets without the platforms to support them.