Andrew Mayer

I wouldn't worry too much. Mobile gaming and E-Sports games are running 10x over the core gaming market is in terms of profits and audience. If you want to see what the future looks like (pretty or not) that's where you're going to find it.

Master Ninja THEME SONG!

I loved the album, and spent the summer of that year on a quest trying to have sex with someone while Closer was playing.

He'll make a great dude with a funky name.

Having bread thrown at him is the yeast of his problems.


Two wrongs don't make a Wight.

Yeah yeah.

If only you could blog the things I've zine.

Six. He's got a snack dick tucked behind his ear for later.

Can Spider-Man survive THE DROP?

That's why it's a quest!

"Show me on the droid where the Jedi touched you."

Quest for the lady werewolf.

I'm now 90% sure that the new series will be called "Kvetch!"

What if Iron Man had an eating problem instead of drinking problem?

Or Television 101, because it really is that.

I hear what you're saying, but I think it's more than just values, it's about the danger in vs. the love of novelty.

It's amusing if not particularly original. I'll point out though, that the thrust of that bit is that the news itself "makes his head hurt", and the subtext is basically that talking about the news is a waste of time.
