Chris Slade
Chris Slade
This whole Kale business has got to stop.
I love Eden Hazard even though he plays at Stamford Bridge. He's one of the most exciting players to watch whenever he's on the pitch, facilitating better than most if not all of his competition. If I had to compare him against someone in another sport, I'd have to say he's the Chris Paul of football. He's that guy…
Chip Kelly has already signed these koala's for his left and right guard spots.
This movie has been a guilty pleasure of mine since it was released. It's essentially what would happen if Vin Diesel were asked to play Jason Bourne. Would he be subtle? Nah. Would he brood? Nah. Would he fuck bitches and get money? Yeah. This movie is fantastic.
This would have been a satisfactory headline as well.
In case you were wondering (you weren't), Jagr has played in the NHL longer than the Panthers franchise.
Almonte pitched in independent ball, college, and semi-pro ball, before retiring in 2009. Now 27, he works as a furniture mover and as an assistant high school baseball coach.
Kenneth Faried at 1:30 says it all:
Perhaps you all should tackle how to get that extra six inches. You know, on your vertical. For the white people.
Attila is just trying to be the more risque version of German metalcore band Eskimo Callboy. There's nothing special about these assholes. Shit, Eskimo Callboy released "Is Anyone Up" well before Guilty Pleasures even registered. Oh, and they're more technically sound too.
P.K. Subban is the truth.
(Ten days on, ESPN has yet to explain why Schilling wasn't punished. Or why Law was.)
Agreed. Letting Goodell act as a moral arbiter is something we just Kant do.
"With this year marking the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act..."
Man, Group H is a shit show. If Porto doesn't run that group, they ought to be embarrassed.
I was vague. That is my fault.
That must be it.
Why do I get the feeling that all of the opinions offered were from men?