"With this year marking the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act..."
"With this year marking the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act..."
Man, Group H is a shit show. If Porto doesn't run that group, they ought to be embarrassed.
I was vague. That is my fault.
That must be it.
Why do I get the feeling that all of the opinions offered were from men?
Haha, thanks. I'll definitely check out the B.S. Report. Men in Blazers and Girls in Hoodies sound good though.
Oh yeah. I'm really just sitting around waiting for Callahan to go off on a racist tirade or John Dennis to have an aneurysm while live.
I'll have to check some out. It's a crap show, but it's either that or Toucher and Rich on 98.5, and that show makes D&C look progressive.
Fair enough.
I listen to D&C every morning (because I'm a masochist) and this is par for the course. It's a haven for backwards thinking, self-congratulating assholes who shouldn't have a job.
Come on now. Logic? Why would FIFA employ that?
I, I can't even.
I don't know. I thought the last card (174) was a bit so-so, but I haven't had much to complain about with some of the cards before that. And a person would have to hate fighting to not have enjoyed Hendricks-Lawler
I'll agree that the sport appears to be stretching itself thin, but I think an argument can be made that the seeming regression in total quality fight cards belies other, less nefarious intentions. Such as giving lesser known fighters or even "sub - standard" fighters an opportunity to make a name for themselves. It…
Come on, it's got to be D, C, B, A. I mean, just for all the Rick Reilly columns on Jeets' betrayal, how Rick Reilly had to take down all those posters in his bedroom, and explaining to all of Jeets' illegitimate children how their father cheated the game.
Tom Brady vs. Mexico: Hat Game Deathmatch
Belgium is basically the equivalent of a Pele led Brazil national team in this competition. Essentially, it's not a competition and we're all just here to watch (drink) them to victory.
Something's afoot.
The first of those two movies was The Raid: Redemption, from Indonesia, and it was, almost inarguably, the single best action movie that anyone has made in our young century. It was almost the platonic ideal of an action movie: a one-sentence setup carried out with bloodthirsty efficiency, with impactful fights,…