Wow, you can always count on the Fraternal Order of the Police to object to any steps to hold police accountable.
Wow, you can always count on the Fraternal Order of the Police to object to any steps to hold police accountable.
If you’re lacking a brain!
They are appealing to their supporters, who are by and large a bunch of morons who stopped emotionally developing between the ages of 10 and 14 - these fools love the nicknames.
Dems are finally droppin’ the hammer on some motherfuckin’ toes.
About damn time.
If you like perp walking at midnight
If you like Supoeana Coladas
That the Republicans push back on the investigations is all the answer you need. If there's nothing there, the investigation will clear everyone. You, know, like the 99 Benghazi investigations the Republicans in the House completed.
I thought he was saving that name for when he finishes his skin suit…
You know, I honestly don’t find her pretty. I mean yes, she has FrankenBarbie features, but just like her father is a poor mans idea of a rich man, she’s a homely persons idea of good looking one (I don’t mean you! I mean the MAGA crowd)
Oh, if I had a million stars to give, friend, you would have them all...
The language in these tweets sounds like every final paper written by undergraduate business majors trying to be fancy (source: I was an undergraduate business major that often tried to be fancy). *shameface*
Subtitled, “Using Nepotism to Architect Your Future.”
In her book Women Who Work
Remember when it was argued you had to do both a high crime -and- a misdemeanor. Like, he can't be impeached for murdering someone unless we can tie a jaywalking charge to it.
I’m ready for him to go full Sovereign Citizen any moment now. Something about the fringe on the flag and how his name in all caps is a different legal entity than his name with just initial capital letters.
I’ve repeated this anecdote possibly too often, but I’m on the board of a narcolepsy foundation and discovered at a meeting last year that I was not the only one who feared attending our big fundraising gala in DC — considering the very real possibility that the current president could come sidling over and ask in a co…
“terrific, underrated Shutter Island”
Remember Democrat candidates, the most important thing is to try to appease the people who are never going to vote for you.
What is he even talking about? Obama took all the guns years ago. I was promised in 2004 that this would happen, and Republicans never lie.