
Watching a horrible person’s ignoble spiral into nothingness is fun.

All Hat, No Cattle.

Ten gallon hat for a hundred and twenty pounds of shit.

I'm guessing this guy always has a new truck and is always behind on his child support payments. 

Fuck off tomato. If he doesn't like protestors showing up at his job, he can quit. This is America! Free market. World needs plenty of bartenders!

Tomato, for all the various piles of shit you’ve excreted into the ether around here, this has to be one of the dumbest.

It’s not badly-written, to be fair—but god damn, man, the guy struck protesters with a truck. The thing about being in law enforcement (or the military, for that matter) is that members are held to a

“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?

Who is this fucking Nazi among Nazis? Let’s know his name so we can tell him what we think of him.

I would watch a live feed of this editor working in real time. Seriously.