
Yeah, the "to the ounce" thing makes no sense. So if one of the SEALs had consumed an extra liquid ounce of water (equal to about 1.04 dry ounces), the helicopter would have had such problems? It's not like they design these things or plan missions with no leeway for such things, just like an elevator that says "max

Holy crap that's brilliant. Do you or have you ever actually used it for that purpose (speeches)?

PSN is at least partially back up with a new firmware update!


1. He celebrated the death of innocent civilians.

It's not as if the researchers that work on stuff like this are the same researchers working on the other things you mention.

But I actually prefer the taste of the big-bag generic cereals!

Once the PSN got hacked, I moved all my credit card info to a .txt file in my Dropbox, thinking it would be safer. Then this news breaks..

Holy crap. This is such a winning idea. MMOs coming to their end need this.

Ah, I'm not even near the level of GPS user that you are, so I didn't know about the extent of specific capabilities that dedicated units have. I see where you're coming from now. I stand corrected.

Better yet, sucking the electric current running through your body all the time!

I haven't yet watched the TV piece, but I'd argue that the iPhone in particular as a device of convergence is a master of at least some trades. While there at least used to be some real iPod-killers in the past that just never took off, I really think it could be argued that the current iPod line (especially the

Mergers and buyouts ≠ more competition. In fact, it leads to less competition. Now Skype and Microsoft are considered one entity in this market.

Thank God I was born in 1991 and not after.

Battlefield: BC2 deal doesn't seem to be going anymore.

My suitemate bought it for PS3 with the free Steam copy. I've been playing co-op split screen on PS3, and he gave me his Steam login so I can play through the single player on my own. Lucky me :)

This. If it requires anything involving an extensive friends list (either for achievements/trophies or to actually progress through the game), count me out. I have a plenty big social network in real life, but those who play games all have consoles. As such, I have 3 friends on Steam, despite having used the service

"Me neither."* ;)

Yeah, this was the first time I've heard of being able to stimulate specific parts of the brain just like we've been able to stimulate individual muscles for centuries. Very cool.

The face at the end of your comment inspired me to create an image of the first thing that popped into my mind. (If image attachment isn't working: []