
Replying to promote.

Zuckerberg, Marc Andreessen, Jim Breyer, Donald Graham, Reed Hastings, Erskine Bowles, Peter Thiel.

The alarm app I use (Sleep Cycle) stays on/active. After setting the alarm, just set the phone down without pressing lock. I don't see why it wouldn't work with other alarm apps.

I think there needs to be a much greater focus on the quality of the service. For people who are, sometimes quite literally, "living" off of tips, they don't always seem to really work for them.

Semi-off topic Steam question: I bought Crysis 2 when it came out on Steam, but then they pulled the game from their store. If I delete the copy I have downloaded, will I still be able to redownload it? If not, then situations like this are my big concern with digital distribution. However, if I can still download

This post is pure trollbait and I am not willing to bite.

One of the best comments I've seen in a while. In the earlier part of your argument, is that some sort of take on the idea of price elasticity of demand?

I'm mostly just thinking out load here. I was curious as well and thought I'd share. Sorry if this is overkill.

The issue is not the remote servers nor our own computers/consoles. Blame the ISPs.

Legitimately asking out of curiosity as I've never heard your stance before: how would manufacturing our own goods help them?

I've just realized you probably mean "tinker" in the sense of hardware, so my comment may be completely irrelevant. However this is what came to mind:

This is a commonly accepted idea built on life experience. It's better to get 6 hours of productive sleep than 8-9 hours of sleep in which you're actually waking up every 20 minutes (but your conscious mind doesn't realize it, so you think you still got a full night of sleep even though you feel miserable the next

I didn't look up other PC makers for comparison, but as far as the comparison to Apple, even those wouldn't be bad prices at all. Apple's 21.5" iMac starts at $1200 and the 27" starts at $1700.

Not true for OS X 10.6 and newer. I don't know about Linux, but the amount of data pushed through depends on if we're counting in base-10 or base-2 (the reason for such discrepancies).

Replying to promote and to add my own thoughts:

Hey now, don't generalize against all Christians. I'm a fairly religious one myself and I'm not offended by these pictures, because as you're pointing out they don't really show much of anything that you don't see just walking down a city street.

Guess I'm confused on what you guys are talking about since the control key doesn't do anything for me when used with the arrow keys, but Command + arrows does the same stuff as swiping like he was saying. Are you referring to a different OS X feature I'm not aware of? (There are a lot of them since upgrading to

I was using the 40% figure from the OP.

No. He says *net* annual salary, meaning your salary minus those things taken out. Assuming 40% of your stated salary goes towards those things, netting $48,000 annually means you have a gross salary of $80,000.