
Have the web browser designers include a manual extension of sorts? Then even if you're actually working and/or your workplace blocks the social media sites, you can still get critical, potentially life-saving announcements.

Not a single issue here. I'm been especially confused about the battery issue. I've used mine for two whole days—Siri, email, Facebook, and occasional pictures—before it finally died on me.

I can't see why that would be happening (not saying it isn't, just that it's really odd) because when you tell Siri who your wife is, it adds her in a field under your contact card (such that if you go to yourself in your contacts, under your number and email there should be an entry for 'wife'). If it's getting

What do you mean by definable ringtones? You can set your ringtone to anything you want in iOS. That's been around since version 4 for sure, and I think I had it on 3. (Yes, that should have been 1.0 functionality, but the point is that it is there.)

* Command + arrows keys :)

Good to know, thanks.

I went in at 4:30 pm, waited in line less than 3 minutes, and had the new phone activated and in my hands within 15 minutes. Guess I got lucky.

I'm just not feeling very worried about my local store running out of stock. I live in a relatively small town (70,000 or so) and didn't have any trouble getting my 3GS shortly after launch, so I'm going to try my luck and see if I can pick up a 4S today.

I swear they have some type of countdown-to-death built into the 3GS/older models. My 3GS was doing just fine for me and I was even considering not upgrading. Then about 4-5 days ago my battery life went from lasting all day to dying within about 10 hours, various apps started crashing and/or freezing, and some other

Google Earth as a standalone program has a flight simulator feature where you can actually control a plane over the satellite images and 3D terrain/buildings.

I think he meant "insert overlords" as in: "Cue all the overlord comments from other people." :)

That makes sense but doesn't it cause the speakers to be out of alignment?

A Windows desktop I had a few years ago—despite being from one of those custom build sites—had a Hitachi drive in it. Holy cow that thing gave me so many problems.

As some others have pointed out, even if you go exercise and/or run every day after work for an hour or two, sitting at your desk for 6-8 hours somewhat cancels it out—not in terms of stuff like calories burned, but rather things like cardiovascular problems.

This is semi-offtopic but relates to deals and the Gizmodo community is so helpful that I've got to ask: any recommendations on a ~40" TV, preferably 1080P, around $400? I've done a lot of looking myself and found a few options but input from the community is always good.

Barnes & Noble had them available on their website last night for a while.

Even though I'm a Mac guy, I was going to call you out for trolling. Then I realized that you're absolutely correct.

My evening consisted of a hard run followed by eating raw vegetables and drinking cold water. It makes me feel great, which is something that greasy food or a dehydrating beverage doesn't do.

Or just get a portal gun.