
I would not have expected anything else from he who calls himself "theRPGguy."

I know I may get some crap for suggesting it, but what about Crysis? Specifically the first one, as the second one blows in comparison and I'm tremendously disappointed I dropped $60 on the pre-order (this is of course just my opinion).

Even though player vs player cross-platform multiplayer never really took off and probably never will because of the naturally better controls for shooters on PC, I don't see why it couldn't happen in co-op. If we're working as a team, what does it matter if my controls (as a PC gamer) are better than all of my

Yes, I drink coffee at coffee shops.

I think a lot of people are forgetting that "loud" is a relative term. If you are in a library, talking at anything above a very quiet whisper is considered loud. At sporting events, loud seems to have no upper bound. Similarly, different establishments have different volume levels (which may vary throughout the day)

OT side note: I do the same thing of closing my laptop when I have to step away for a second. I'm not sure why it gives me any sense of security.

No, you're not a dick, and yes, it does happen far too often. People just tend to lack a sense of consideration for others. I feel ya, man.

Yep, can't really argue with your general point that console gaming probably makes more sense for average consumers. I just wish more people took the time to learn technology so we wouldn't be held up by outdated technology.

You are perhaps the most intelligent, well-spoken commenter I've ever read on the Internet. Your patriotism is inspiring. Seriously, do you have a blog or something? I could read this stuff all day. Excellent points.

It all just comes back to a matter of preferred platform. I hate playing shooters on consoles, so I personally will always spend the extra money on a PC.

Just my $.02: A common price range I see for regular-user personal computers is around $600-$800. If people are buying that plus a $400 console, their actual budget is $1000-$1200. You can build a pretty nice machine for around $1100 (I had a build planned myself for about that much, had an i5 2500k and a GTX 560

But 8 square miles means 4x2 or 8x1miles, or any other combination that multiplies out to 8.

If Mario didn't make you jump over the same bricks and pipes for up to 300 seconds to get to the same end flag, you would notice how boring and repetitive was the game that revived the videogame industry.

I'm not sure that I understand your use of the word "unrealistic" when describing my daily routine.. smashing my head against breaks (and watching them shatter!), growing spontaneously upon contact with mushrooms, becoming invincible when I touch the blinky star things..

Please tell me how I might take equation/symbol laden notes on a traditional keyboard while keeping up with everything else being said in a college lecture.

A lack of proper stylus support is the very reason I have not yet bought an iPad. The main appeal of such a device for me is to take notes in class, ideally with enough accuracy that we'd start seeing some OCR solutions.

Sorry, I just realized how long ago you posted that comment :D

Try deleting the #! in the URL. That has worked for me in the past (although I am finding now that I no longer need to do that).

Throughout the game you get to make choices regarding which characters you want in your party, which means travelling around to all sorts of different places. You are also always faced with the option of which espers/weapons/armor/etc. you want to go out of your way to collect. It is a linear story (beat Kefka), but I

I take it you've never played Final Fantasy VI?