
Linear gameplay is bad because it's no different than watching someone play through the game on Youtube, except that watching someone else play on Youtube is free and you can skip the parts you don't want to see.

I can't see who you're replying to (OMG! British Dinosaur! or tony), but both comments are clearly sarcastic. What were you saying about stars?

Yeah, I've heard reports of various levels of success. Once 512GB SSDs are around the $150-$200 mark, I think I'm going to replace my current 500GB HDD primary hard drive with one of those, and then replace my optical drive with a 1TB HDD for additional storage (or 2TB if they're around by then).

My thoughts exactly! Need need need one for my MacBook Pro. At this point, I might as well just wait a little longer for the SSD price drop.


I have Dropbox installed on my MacBook Pro. I also run Windows 7 via Bootcamp. Anyone know if I can install on this using my own referral link but with a different email account and still get my 500MB .edu bonus on my regular account?

How is he partly responsible?

Woah. I sat down at my computer literally just to read Kotaku and then finish up FFVI (have a save game waiting for me right before Kefka).

I hope so. Super Nintendo > everything that has ever existed before or after.

Yeah sorry about that, I just put the first ones that came to mind :)

Images not working :(

I learned my lesson on the original DS. I bought it in January 2005 with the Super Mario 64 remake. It is now more than six years later, and I have not bought a single additional game for it.

Oh man that's funny.

Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that. Let us Kotakuites (sp?) unite to donate for anything that insurance doesn't cover!

Haha "brocore." Never heard that before, but I like it. Perfect description.

It's funny that you're calling people "IDIOTS" considering you just gave some of the worst financial advice ever. Credit cards have protection against fraudulent charges; debit cards do not.

My iPhone automatically puts the +1 when I just press "Add to new contact" or whatever that button is.

OT, but.. pink planes (albeit not necessarily hot pink) actually blend in the best with the sky. It's just that the pilots don't want to be flying a pink plane around :)

They are.