
I'm normally not even remotely interested in such wild-looking individuals, but um yeah, I definitely found her to be legitimately hot.

Holy crap, how had I never before considered Luigi's Mansion for Wii?! That would've been incredible!

Haha, coming from "Baraka_Obama" makes this comment all the better.

Haha ok ok, well played. And yes, no more politics here :)

Same here. I think that mainly happens because when you're streaming something, it tends to actually be something that you want to watch, while on live TV, this is not always the case. More significantly, TV commercial breaks tend to go on for as much as several minutes, while ads on streaming content tend to be only

I'd rather have a politician that knows what he or she is doing in office than a comedian.


Good catch. At 0:48 there should for sure be a shadow of the fence projected onto the ceiling (projected isn't the right word but we're on the same page here). Very odd.

I don't support piracy, but it is worth noting that it is technically an option in situations like this.

It is so restricted it's unbelievable. The game actually has invisible walls.

That extent of environment damage was one of the things sadly missing from this game :(

Woah, that's almost exactly how I had been planning mine. Nice rig. The only major differences I had in my plan were a 2500k and dual GTX 560s.

What are the specs on the new rig? Just curious as that's almost exactly the price point at which I was going to build.

I totally agree with this. There's something so significant about being in the same room/house as the other people you're playing with. Having a few friends over with their decent-for-gaming laptops and firing up some COD4 LAN? Quite possibly the most fun gaming experience I've ever had. There's just so much

Was going to post it myself by you beat me to it. There was a Facebook group about this circulating on my newsfeed months ago; I have still not been able to unsee this.

Literally the best analogy of anything that I've ever seen. Well done.

My thoughts exactly. Seeing only this video makes me say, "Hey, where are the human rights issues? Why is this country a threat?" Though cool, this doesn't really show much beyond some of the already-existing documentaries.

Just got it. It seems to be just as good as on the iPad. I like it. It's worth a buck for a fun time killer.

Eh, maybe it's best that we just agree to disagree on that one. Now then, Mario Bros 3? Yes. Absolutely.

I'll have to respectfully disagree on Mario Kart SNES :) I've always been a much bigger fan of Double Dash (literally one of my favorite games ever).