
Wait, what? It's an optional rule of grammar that "too" is preceded by a comma when used at the end of the sentence. In my comment, I corrected Bassman's statement of "I'm bored too" and added that optional comma. Then I basically said, "Oh, nevermind, that's actually an optional rule." I'm not sure what you're trying

Haha ah well, just stick with it. If you haven't tried it yet, the Crysis 1 single player demo might actually be a good place to hone your skills (or just the beginning of the game if you have the full version). Not because it's super easy or anything, but because abilities like Stealth and Strength can give you

To add to what Tokae said, the PC game will support DX11, but via a patch that will not be available on launch day. I don't believe any information has been provided regarding the release of the patch other than that it will happen eventually.

I find it funny that the PC controls are where you still feel kind of "meh" :) My friends were the same way. A year or so ago I was updating the PC of a friend of a friend; as such I had two well-specced gaming rigs in my room. I got them networked together and threw COD4 on each one. I played on one, while my

Ah, but I am referring to the comma following "bored," not the apostrophe in "I'm." :)

This. As much as a love love love PC gaming, it needs to be accessible to everyone for it to really be "the future." Your comment brings to mind something along the lines of OnLive, where a wide variety of games can be played on basically anything that has a screen and internet connection.

The difference between PC and Xbox will be much clearer in real-life usage. The PC version can run at 1080p or even higher, while Xbox is stuck at 1152x720.

*I'm bored, too.

I've thought of doing something similar for learning school material in general, but in the form of assigning lyrics. Basically making a song that incorporates all of the material from a given chapter/unit/whatever. Seems like it'd actually be a pretty effective way of learning, so long as the actual song-writing

I agree that technology isn't quite where it needs to be for high-spec-PCs-for-everyone to be a reality. However, we're getting pretty close. I just got done planning a $1200 build that, based on benchmarks of the hardware I was planning on using, would have run Crysis 1 around 30fps on Enthusiast at 1920x1200, with

+1 on playing Crysis 2 on the platform that it should've been exclusive for. I've pretty much got all my parts picked out for a new gaming build (not just for Crysis 2 but also BF3 and to finally get into Crysis 1). It comes out to a little over $1200, featuring an i5 2500k and a GTX 560 Ti. I'll probably go SLI on

I don't think this is at all a matter of every game being sold in the future on its own little solid state drive. Once capacity gets high enough at an affordable price, you'd just have one of these in your system (console or gaming PC) and ideally just download all titles or install from traditional optical media.

Exactly. This is why the current-gen consoles are actually holding gaming back quite a bit. Can you imagine what Crysis 2 would be like (visually, at least; I haven't kept up much on the story quality) if it wasn't being developed multiplatform?

I concede. Interesting article, thanks for sharing.

Oh I absolutely agree with doing what we can to have a better environment. But I feel doing it to "save the earth" is absolutely ridiculous. We need to do it to save ourselves!

The fact that it's a theory doesn't mean much. Geocentrism was also once a theory, and look how that turned out :)

Wind Waker. Mario Kart Double Dash (blows the Wii MK out of the water). Zelda OoT Master Quest (possibly a little more expensive, as it is a collector's item). Pikmin.

Soooo you're saying we need more Battlefield 3? :)

Just buy a Mac :)

If you're talking about WiFi tethering, I don't see why it wouldn't work. If Android hotspots work anything like MyWi on jailbroken iPhones, it just creates a regular WiFi network around the phone itself (I guess it's technically an ad-hoc network, as that's what my MBP shows my MyWi connection as being).