
Seriously not a sandwich.

Hence the flood of 3rd-party full cases we'll see in the near future. I'm with you, though.

Yes, I was about to give you soooo much shit for the Ocarina of Time comment, but then I thought about it :)

I think it actually gets better and better. Before the Wii with the Virtual Console, the only legal way to play old classics was to get your hands on the original hardware. Now there's at least some option to play a decent catalogue of older games. I think the Virtual Console, overall, sucks in its current form. Not

Ah! I really do love my iPhone, but I am admittedly a bit envious of some of the things that Android already has implemented—notifications among them.

Forgive me if something like what I'm suggesting already exists for iOS (and if it does, please tell me what it is), but why not just have new notifications pop up as a little icon in the status bar? Then we you need to check those notifications, just pull down the status bar to see them all, including a list of

@commander_k: I'm in a similar situation. My summer 2009 17" MacBook Pro is my first Mac, and for laptops I will absolutely never go back to a Windows-only machine. However, I'd really like to build a sweet desktop gaming rig, and I wouldn't even consider Apple for that.

@crobson1985: Yes, but merely sitting in a café in front of a MacBook Pro guarantees you women!

@ShadowStaarr: Put these raised things on college textbooks!

I really hope you aren't saying "Does that make sense" in a patronizing manner. Your response in general comes off as tremendously rude and arrogant. Not only do I understand aspect ratios and resolutions, but also I realize that 1680x1050 is smaller than 1920x1080. Thank you for enlightening me.

@Veit: Apparently not..

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: Nah, 1080p is 1080 lines of vertical resolution. 15" high res MBPs and my 17" actually have more screen real estate than the current "full HD." I still get thin black bars watching full-res Bluray rips.

@AJ: No, it's not that hard. It's just people are all "Ohhhh glossy shininess!" and Apple makes money off of those (uninformed) people. From what I understand, slapping on that shiny piece of glass is actually an extra step in the manufacturing process over just going matte, no?

@Kajigger Me Timbers: Haha I've seen comments like your last sentence a couple times on this post. I think its quite funny that the redesign issues are on par in terms of significance with abortion.

@thechansen: Ok wow, I'm pro-life and even I thought that was pretty hilarious. Well played.

@IceMetalPunk: I really don't want to get into a heated argument, especially considering that this is a tech blog. I just really want to understand your perspective. How is supporting the decision to kill a new life in any way "pro-life" as you claim to be?

@Dexomega: Is that the thing you fly out of at the beginning of Star Fox on SNES?

As an American with Australian family members, I can certainly confirm this. Hell, my ~23-year-old cousin just started his own microbrewery a few months ago (true story!).