Andrew M.

I heard the racists love “lighter” skin...don’t tell owens.

Launch Title: The Launchest Title.

Is it just me or does Godfall look boring as hell?

J. Karen Rowling

Wealth didn’t turn her into a monster, but it did give her a safety net that let her believe she could publicly show the monster she is without fearing for her livelihood. See also: Notch.

“The Notch Effect” as I like to call it.

What is it with living in prolonged luxury and decadence from wealth that it gradually turns you into a monster?

“Trolls have freedom of speech too.”

So you actually saw him shooting while he was live streaming? Let me see the clip of that. Man, those all caps must mean you’re frustrated.

Reference link of two white men who shot at cops who only got locked up and not killed in the above comment I posted for one idiot. Here’s another one. Just look at the privileged grins they have on their faces. Must be nice.

He has pictures of him with a gun. The people who watched this video live say he didn’t fire one shot. Interestingly enough, there were two white guys who actually had a car chase and a stand off with police officers and they’re still alive. So the “car chase/gun fight = yer DEAD” comment is actually dead. Oh and you

I have two Xbox One controllers, both cost me $39.99 each catching them on sale. Add in the $10 Rechargeable pack I got off of Amazon and we’re talking about $50 for a controller that I might have to charge once a month, depending on play time.
You don’t have to buy microsoft’s solution. Hell, if you really wanted,

buy a 4 pack of eneloops with charger for 8 dollars and never have to worry about an xbox controllers power for the next decade.

Gen X ends between 1979 and 1983. Millennials stop at 1996 or 2000. Gen Z is ending at the Trump admin or right now.

These are pretty simple and quickly researchable points. Millenials are people who were becoming adults around the millenium, the oldest millennial is 40. The Oldest Gen X is about 60. Remember? Gen X

I’m tired of losing to my Grandma in Uno, so this is fine.

They’re designed for a post-korona world. The older population doesn’t matter.

Or, they knew this fully well and decided to not let this interfere with the minimalist style.
And I like it very much.
Not everything has to be for every demographic.
For people with impaired vision, the classic version will still be sold.
This ist not a replacement, this is an option to us buyers. And if you live in a

Tree Branches are infinite, you can just keep shaking the same tree and eventually more will come out, unless there is no place for them to drop, in which case you can pick up the ones you have and keep shaking for more.

Fruit trees take 3 days to regrow their fruit. I know this might seem obvious but I know a lot of

The 3 you listed are tall, thin women with not a lot of curves to “hide” to appear androgynous classy like you said.
From the couple pictures of her I saw, Billie Eilish has an entirely different body type that is a lot harder to hide if that’s what you wanna do.

Pretty easy to be classy when you’re shaped like a model

Cape > Cap