Andrew M.

Pieces of shit apparently live longer.

Literally just had a cold sweat from this. Take my star and leave me be!

As a black man, I have to swallow plenty of razor blades as a drive by a mountain with three slave and black female rape apologists etched into it, an avowed bigot memorialized with a statue down Peachtree Street, hundreds of monuments to similar monsters, etc while being presided over by a man who admitted to sexual

I didn’t realize the 2k20 in the title was the expiration date.

When my husband convinced me to get a real tree for our first Christmas together, my family acted like I’d brought a raccoon in to live with us.

My family prefers fake trees. We owned our trailer for 21 years. My brother drives a very nice Chrysler 300. My parents recently put to rest a fake tree they had been using for 35 years. We were all pretty bummed about it.

It’s gonna be hilarious when Trump leaves her out of his will. 

it’s so great when they get angry whenever you ask questions. you can just tell that they don’t like their qualifications being questioned by anyone and it gets under their skin so. dang. fast.

HDR is certainly a welcome upgrade... But only 30fps at 4k? I suppose the 1080p60 is a nice compromise, since the biggest letdown of the previous models is the 30fps video...especially now that lots of people stream at 1080p60. 🤔

HDR is certainly a welcome upgrade... But only 30fps at 4k? I suppose the 1080p60 is a nice compromise, since the

Dude! 76 piece accessory kit for $32. Got me another spring form pan, 2 steamers, an egg bites thingy (I may not use... or use for custards), 60 cake papers (CHEESE cakes are excellent in this thing) and a bunch of stuff I may never use but it was worth is for the stuff I will.

Dude! 76 piece accessory kit for $32. Got me another spring form pan, 2 steamers, an egg bites thingy (I may not

Now playing

You know, normally I’d say that historical events have weight and that South Korean people are right in being very sensitive on this topic, but the more I read about it the more I see how fabricated this whole deal is. This subject has been unfortunately hijacked and currently being used for exploitation rather than

I’m glad the Twitter feed you linked is picking up on something that I haven’t been able to unsee since it was pointed out to me.

I erred. I should have said, “not bigots.” Because there isn’t a white person in this country who doesn’t benefit, directly or indirectly, from racism.

“No matter what the current philosophy is sometimes you have to use physical discipline with children.”

White people, we’ve got to raise our kids better. Just not using racial slurs or spreading around stereotypes is not enough. Our culture has that shit in it’s DNA so you’ve got to vaccinate ahead of time.

I’m amazed at how many people my age I’ve come across that played NES back in the day but somehow never played River City Ransom.