Not sure of tone on internet...
Not sure of tone on internet...
Well thats what we assumed.
Hah I just posted about that before reading this! Exactly! I was baffled ten years ago.
You know what the real problem is?
I mean its possible. Stone Cold was arguably a complete asshole face in his heyday. You would partner with him and win the match and still end up getting a stunner at the end of the night. So its a tight rope but not impossible for him to like and respect kids but be a lunatic to adults.
Sounds sorta like she is saying frantic in two parts. Fran - tic, I’m dreaming a mile a minute...
Porno, good sir.
Oh I know, I played through it.
The first demo was much better than the second. The second played like complete shit.
Thats actually what I meant. On N64 they actually made games. Since then, they have been few and far between and nothing that has lit the market on fire.
At this point I don’t know why anyone wants Rare. Rare was a terrible studio on N64 and its been a terrible studio for MS. Its a damn albatross on anyone’s neck who gets it. Every gen it feels like they barely do anything.
I’d imagine first thing would be making self driving car lanes on the road. Keep normal drivers out, keep the cars in them for the majority of time till they have to get on normal lanes with other drivers for turns etc.
I see what you did there.
I, as a dude, am super anxious and have not yet knocked up my wife after reading this.
Yo Shep, promo code on lapel mic seems to not be working. Whats the deal?
Yo Shep, promo code on lapel mic seems to not be working. Whats the deal?
Agreed. Duscae felt like the better demo.
Someone get this to Mame and get it ripped so the web can play it!
Damn you for bringing up Yeerks.
I loved these damn toys for years. $10 bucks a pop. Had them all. $15 got the majority of the set. But at $20? Jeez us man I want them bad but the struggle to find the individual ones in stores and knowing the final price? Bleh. Which is a damn shame cause they are always gorgeous.
Yeah but that still doesn’t work. Active Waze users would just report no cop there and eventually it would vanish. Unless tons of cops are voting it up, it doesn’t work that well in their favor.