Andrew M.
Now playing

Gonna say its gotta be Next: Too Close. It is literally what the song is about.

I’m sorry, I think I’ve watched this a few times just for Jodie. That girl is dang hot. Clearly she has done this a bar....for free drinks. Go girl!

Just convince Elizabeth Olsen to show up for a episode as Michelle. Problem solved. You will have gotten the superior Olsen.

Well is that how much the truck weighs empty or with what it was carrying at the time?

Ah. That does sound weird and creepy.

I kinda prefer this one more.

Maybe I have to play it, but why is this scary?

I don’t think it works just fine in Korea is a good argument to the Japanese.

Yeah you need Jamaican fruit cake. American fruit cake is the absolute pits.

I don’t mind the custom noise, but yeah I hate that its still loud no matter what. Terrible when you have headphones.

To be fair they made him an idiot when they gave him that power. He was using that Super Flare on enemies he should have been able to handle with a little work. He was like a damn kid with a new toy. He played with it till it broke.

I can only go with what they give us.

Red Hulk didn’t really pick it up. He just used it in zero gravity I believe to hit Thor with.

In times of need people can lift the hammer that normally can’t. Cap has been able to lift it, then immediately after not. Superman was the same in Avengers JLA. It’s weird magic.

Jane technically wouldn’t have to fly there. She was staying in Asgard being cared for in her illness and the hammer had fallen into the Blue area of the Moon where there is oxygen. She is able to travel via rainbow bridge/Heimdal to and from Earth without a problem.

If you and your friend are equally skilled I’d say yes. If not you may end up yelling at your friend for wasting all the hearts and dying so much as you share the life bar.

That’s true, but Spore was built up like this and I feel like I remember a few delays before it came out. I’m just baffled how many times they’ve shown it off with it being so far out. It feels like its gonna be someone presentation at like three e3’s by this point.

The longer this takes the more it feels like we are gonna get Spore 2.

I’m sorry though, but did I just read Destiny sequel next year? Yeah guess I’m not gonna bother buying the Taken King then. Seems like this title is nearly done for.

They have 4 Spider-Men in the 616 Marvel Universe currently. SPOILERS