Andrew M.

Wonder if this happened before or after they laid off a bunch of their staff...

Fair enough.

I'm pretty much done with the topic. But that's great the cop is remorseful. Shows she is a human being.

Your right.

I never said he said that.

If that's how you choose to read it.

I swear to god, if my house is ever getting robbed I'm calling the fire department.

Not sure the cops tears really outweigh the tears of the parent in the situation.

I agree. The Avengers is a good roadmap for large superhero movie casts.

And yet DC has gone back and forth with some of the most well known characters of all time and can't make a Justice League movie. I don't think any of these characters has so much back story they need to be introduced in separate films.


I know what your trying to say, but Thor was just as much a nobody before his movie. He was not a character the average non Norse mythology, non comic book reading person would know.

We at McDonald's take offense to your remark.

Yup definite hard $12 in NJ.

There would be no crying in my bed. Just sweet sweet dreams of internet trolls hating me to sleep.

Dude I'd wear that hate so hard it woudn't be funny.

Will no one mention the fact they brought back Chef in the first trailer?

I had a MAMEcade about 4 years ago. Running on computer hardware probably 6 years old at this point.

See what bugs me about that is I would figure the PS4 could at least pull of the same things as the Vita TV. In which case this would become no problem.