Andrew M.

Not sure I follow your logic.

That is never how Apple has made their money until recently.

Most times people don't boast about how much software they sold over a generation. Just the fact that their system sold however many million.


Or all you need is a hundred dollar apple tv and a blue tooth controller.

That would be insane.

I thought she said 300 hour game.



Yeah but the way the story of the posing sounds, it sounds more like he took a picture of just her breasts and not the person as a whole.

And typically, since this is happening in the game industry, at a game related expo, with kotaku being one of the biggest sites on the net to talk about gaming, this is where it belongs.

This reminds me of Kameo.

Unless of course you count the time they removed software based backwards compatibility from the PS3 you bought.

Well as someone pointed out to me, it isn't even if they had as much money as Sony, because apparently they had even more than them and were the number 2 company in Japan behind Toyota. I haven't confirmed this, but I'll believe my fellow commenter since I know for sure at one point they had as much as Sony.

Yeah which is basically what I said.

But that's the thing, at some point in the last few years, Nintendo as a company had just as much money as Sony as a company. And I mean Sony as in all its divisions.

I see what everyone is saying but the issue remains, even if he punches Zod till he's knocked out how does he contain him?

Better question, is that an old Crackdown shirt or is that a hint at the new one?

Ditto. No clue he existed.

You sure?