Andrew M.

Well I'd assume sports games would be the easiest to do, Madden, basketball etc.

To be fair, Rare has never been an amazing company.

Interesting note.

Ah wasn't sure I had time but I do, so lets break this down.

That was my main point.


This is E3. The world is watching.

I know its based on an art style.

Well considering that the game is coming out for both systems, the PS4 and XBox One, I can agree that its still not that impressive looking knowing what they both can do.


Said this in another topic, but shooting it at you Luke, cause well you right here and its more likely something you write might be seen by MS then me.

Its so easy for them to solve this issue and start looking better. I wish they would just do it. To sum up how to solve used games/24 hour check problem.

Probably because Sony owns a decent share of Square.



Knack looks like a one shot game.

That guy seriously needed an explosion when he said Peggle 2. Without it, its just awkward.

But that's just the case dude. I trust them, but I don't trust them anymore than another.

Even if we go by that, a game, that was announced while I was a junior in High School and released after I graduated in college, which at the time wasn't very different than the original Team Fortress and now has evolved to be a bigger and better game, that still puts them at 7.

To be fair, Valve really hasn't made much.