

A man after my own heart.

I like the cut of your jib.

Was Lyle the assistant manager the same guy who was talking a bunch of bat-shit paranoid nonsense during Jesse's multi-episode Season 4 house party?

I gotta hang up the phone now, because I have to go kill everybody.

Spaced Invaders.

It's an .88 Magnum.

DIY vs. The Revival was fucking amazing. One of the best tag matches I've ever seen.

They need to add the events from the Independent Nations Games, specifically the Common-Law Wife Swap and the 400m Food Hoard.

No you can't, Mr. Simpson. No one can!

Oh wow. I've played Suikoden a shitload of times and had no idea your cumulative Luck stat contributed to the success of that dice game. I just kept doing 9999 and hoping to get a few storms before I got cleaned out.

"Ya know, I wanna thank you guys. You could have given us help, but you've given us so much more."
"That's what we're her for, right?!"

I fucking love Quick Change.

As I'm sure numerous people have said, to me The Office effectively ended once Michael left.

Not gonna lie, I've looked for Defending Your Life on Netflix a shitload of times to no avail. This news pleases me.

'Butt Pie' is a sequel to the bestseller 'Butt Cake.' A whole magazine of butt with cake all over it.

Michael Wincott.

Tie between "Bullet" and "Death Comes Ripping."

Jack Motherfucking Burton.

They, at least at some point, had to stay open past eleven. When Woody was working a second job at the graveyard, I think something to the effect of "You're gonna leave here at two thirty in the morning and go work another job?" was mentioned.