
Joel Polis

One of my favorite parts of this episode is while they're singing, the camera pans along all five guys slowly. When they get to Cliff, he has this look of I-don't-give-a-fuck smug defiance. It's glorious.

My favorite one has got to be:

Hey man, I got a fake asshole!

Loaded Weapon!

Any person who would defile America's pastime by wearing a baseball cap
backwards… well, that's an evil that speaks for itself!

Bingo. I was thinking it was one of those Andy Sedaris, big blonde bouncing tits/machine gun movies.

I spent a significant portion of my salad days working for Blockbuster, so I can relate. I tend to associate important things with the release date of movies. My wife and I got married the day Gladiator came out on DVD!

I was actually just talking to a co-worker yesterday about some "cheese-dick 90's movie starring Don Swayze, Frank Stallone and Joey Travolta."

I think it was Joey Travolta.

I found that the amount of nonsense was of a greater degree than I was led to believe it would be.

I think I meant mon frère. That means “brother” in French. I don’t know why I know that. I took four years of Spanish!

And the story of Gob teaches us that some guy you think is named Tio is about to get his ass kicked.

These holes three are not for thee!

And behind the thoid hole, was a milkin' machine, that don't let go til it gets fitty gallons, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I find myself to be aroused and titillated by all this.

I don't even own a television. Notice I didn't say 'TV'. Because TV is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and television is no friend of mine.

I'm glad they stuck with it instead of jettisoning them like so many other teams that don't immediately click when they debut. Big E is just the fucking best.

So this is what it's like when doves cry!

Well, the cameras…I shot the cameras cuz they were lookin' at me….QUIT LOOKIN' AT ME!