Andrew Lias

In comics and on TV both, Barry always moves at the speed of plot. If this were not the case, the episodes would be over… in a flash.

Dear Liv: when the bad guy misunderstands your motivations and actions, do NOT correct him! Blain's too clever as it is. He doesn't need you filling in the blanks for him.

That… would be awesome. Curse you.

On the contrary, I think that Laurel was the only character that had good development last season.

I bet that the press thinks that she's a boy.

I was wondering if that was a double. Well done, Chloe Bennet! I'm so sorry that I disparaged your character back at the beginning.

They're slower in the books where things take a lot more time, but I don't think that anyone really wants a GoT show where things move at the same pace as they do in the books.

Sorry to snark, but I can't help picturing you wearing a monocle while saying all of that in a most aggrieved manner.

I'm almost certain that Grodd will be next seasons big bad.

That's a horrific thought and entire within character for that bastard.

What's not to like? Cisco is awesome.

I think that both Flash and AoS have been knocking it out of the park this season. I don't see the need to disparage the one to enjoy the other.

You are perfectly aware that you're fighting a losing battle? And really, this is a step up from the horrendous technobabble on ST:TNG, don't you think?

That one doesn't bother me. It's usually used in a deliberately playful and ironic sense.

I'm just glad that Project Runway's attempt to make "glamping" (being a combination of glamour and camping) into a word seems to have gone nowhere. On the other hand, I'm still pissed that Taco Bell managed to get "melty" into the lexicon.

I think that this was the plan from the beginning: start with a deliberately generic group of characters and then add depth to them over time.

Are you for real? It's a convention in these shows that fighting skill is more important than body mass. The fact that it's not "realistic" is irrelevant given the sheer number of other tropes that these types of shows also deploy (particularly when this specific trope also applies to fights between men as well).

I love Caitlin, too, but I'd have a hard time telling you what her role on the show is. Cisco gets to be both the tech genius and the comic relief. Caitlin seems to mainly be there to be Cisco's straight woman and to play nurse when Barry injures himself.

I like the shows in spite of these things, and I won't stop watching them because of them but, at the same time, I can't deny that you make a valid point. It's irritating, frustrating, ad unnecessary. I really hope that Supergirl can flip this dynamic.

I hate that they killed off Moira, and I hate that the writers basically said that it was because they didn't know what else to do with the character. She was an awesomely complex figure and deserved to remain in the cast.